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(Print) Vol 25: Mimi Jade

As another year goes by, it seems like time is speeding up faster than ever. If you can believe it, it’ll be the 12th year of Amped Asia’s existence, and we’re looking to change things up.

As I mature, I’ve realized that there are things that matter more to Amped Asia than just posting up hot Asian girls. Number one we want to be a mentor for young Asian Americans who may be struggling to fit in a society that can be damaging to one’s self-esteem. Most Asians, especially Asian men, have trouble fitting into a world where traditional Asian traits are oftentimes seen negatively. And while it feels like Asian women are now “popular” now than ever (and I like to think Amped Asia had something to do with that), Asian females face similar issues.

The next chapter in Amped Asia will be different. Instead of focusing entirely on hot girls, we want to switch it up to focus on ramping up even more editorial content. In addition, we’re also going to experiment with new business models for Amped Asia, including a podcast and premium content.

Hopefully we get to the point where Amped Asia helps Asian American men not feel so alone in the dating world. We want to the big brother mentor that you’ve never had.

Until next volume,

Kevin “Hype” Tang

${{ currentproduct.price }} ${{ currentproduct.compare_price }}
{{ payment_type_text }}
{{ currentproduct.quantity }}
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Copyright 2020 Amped Asia.com | Need help with your order? Email kevin@ampedasia.com